Consultation policy

This page explains how members of the public are consulted when an planning application is submitted.

Community Councils will be notified of all applications for planning permission within their areas as well as some other application types (see note 2).

You can view all planning applications received and comment on applications received

Major development

Major development is defined in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedures) (Wales) Order 2012 (DMPWO) as:

  • a proposal to erect 10 or more dwellings
  • where the number of dwellings is not known (outline applications), the application site exceeds 0.5 hectares
  • where the application site exceeds 1 hectare
  • where proposed buildings/extensions create a floor area exceeding 1000 square metres
  • winning and working of minerals
  • waste development

Major development consultation involves:

  • an advert in the South Wales Argus to inform of the development (Article 12 of DMPW)
  • a site notice displayed on or near the application site and visible from the public highway
  • All properties within 50m of application site will receive written notification of the development
  • Ward councillors will be notified
  • major redevelopment schemes will be publicised in the council's newspaper, Newport Matters, dependent on publication timescales

Minor and householder development 

Minor development includes all other types of planning application except where it is defined as a ‘major’ application.

Householder development includes applications such as extensions, dormer windows, garage conversions, garden walls, outbuildings etc., for a private dwelling.

Minor and householder development consultation involves:

  • Neighbours with a common boundary to the application site will receive written notification of the development. On rare occasions, in relation to front or side extensions or infill development, the properties opposite the proposed development maybe consulted if, the case officer thinks it appropriate.
  • If there are no adjoining neighbours or the site adjoins land/property where the address/owner cannot be easily identified, a site notice will be displayed close to the site and visible from the public highway

Minor but controversial development

For example, development attracting crowds or noise or traffic into a generally quiet area, the erection of buildings more than 15m in height and applications for the prior approval of new telecommunications masts.

Consultation will involve:

  • All properties within 50m of the application site will receive written notification of the development
  • Ward councillors will be notified of the development
  • a site notice will be displayed on or near the application site and visible from the public highway

A site notice and notice in the South Wales Argus will be used to publicise any application that:

  • affects a Public Right of Way 
  • represents a departure from the Development Plan
  • affects the setting of a listed building 
  • affects the character or appearance of a conservation area
  • is accompanied by an environmental impact assessment

Other applications

Advertisement consent

No consultation as advertisements can only be refused on the grounds of visual amenity and highway safety so the council will only consult the applicable highways authority.

Listed building consent and conservation area consent

  • an advert will be placed in the South Wales Argus to inform of the development 
  • a site notice will be displayed on or near the application site to inform of development


Works to protected trees (TPO or within conservation areas)

  • Neighbours with a common boundary to the application site will receive written notification of the proposals
  • a site notice will be displayed on or near the application site and visible from the public highway
  • If a TPO, ward councillors will be notified

These include notifications to works for trees within conservation areas or protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TC or TP), 56 day telecommunications prior approval submissions, notification of works to hedgerows (H), application made to the Welsh Government for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP), conservation area consent (CA), Listed Building Consent (LBC) and Reserved Matters applications (RM).  Community Councils will not be consulted for applications made under the advertisement regulations (AC), notifications (DEM/AD/PLE) discharge of conditions (CD), Certificates of Lawfulness (LDCE/LDCP), Hazardous Substances (HDC/HSC). 

Hedgerow removal

  • Ward councillors will be notified of the proposals
  • a site notice will be displayed on or near the application site and visible from the public highway

The policy outlined is not exhaustive and does not relate to notifications, or applications for Certificates of Lawfulness, prior approval or other notices entered on the planning register.

Apart from consulting with statutory consultees, other than in exceptional circumstances, the council will not consult on such applications.


If during the course of determining an application, amended plans are submitted which are considered by the council's head of service to have a potential additional impact (e.g. an increase in the size of an extension), neighbouring residents will be notified of the amended plans and given a period of 14 days to give further written comments.

If the amendments are considered to have wider public interest, a further site notice may be displayed.


1. The council’s adopted Consultation Policy meets the minimum publicity requirements laid out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (Wales) Order 2012, Sections 67 and 73 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Members of the public will have a minimum of 21 days from the date of a site notice, press notice or neighbour letter to respond. Representations must be made in writing (email is acceptable) to be formally considered.

2. These include notifications to works for trees within conservation areas or protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TC or TP), 56 day telecommunications prior approval submissions, notification of works to hedgerows (H), application made to the Welsh Government for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP), conservation area consent (CA), Listed Building Consent (LBC) and Reserved Matters applications (RM).  Community Councils will not be consulted for applications made under the advertisement regulations (AC), notifications (DEM/AD/PLE) discharge of conditions (CD), Certificates of Lawfulness (LDCE/LDCP), Hazardous Substances (HDC/HSC). 

3. ‘Application site’ or ‘site’ refers to the land outlined in red on a site location plan and is the land to which the application relates.

4. All properties within 100m of a ‘major’ or ‘minor but controversial’ development will be consulted for application sites located beyond the settlement boundaries (as defined in the Development Plan).