Comment on a planning application

Anyone can comment on a planning application during the consultation period, which is usually 21 days after the registration of a planning application. 

How to comment

  • Online - comment via the planning database by searching for the relevant application and then clicking 'comment on this application'.
  • In writing - to Development Management, Planning, Newport City Council, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR

You may make a comment supporting or objecting to an application, in writing, which will be taken into consideration during the assessment of the application. Comments should only relate to the development proposals and relevant planning matters and will be made publicly available online in due course. Other than your address, the Authority will not make any other personal data available online. Please note that any defamatory / inappropriate information in the opinion of the Council will not be published.

Before commenting please look at the application plans to understand what is proposed, as the description of the proposal given in a letter, site or press notice is only a summary. 

The council does not encourage anonymous comments related to planning applications, these will be given little or no weight when evaluating the application.

The Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 requires all background papers (such as any comments received from members of the public) for decisions made at Planning Committee to be publicly available for inspection, upon request, prior to the application being reported to Planning Committee. 

Comments on planning applications must be made in writing to the relevant case officer or as otherwise advised in any consultation letter or application publicity. 

Verbal comments will not be considered unless made at Planning Committee in accordance with planning protocol on public speaking at Planning Committee.

In assessing planning applications, the council can only take into account comments that concern relevant planning considerations and not those based on personal dislikes, grievances, non-planning issues associated with nuisance claims or legal disputes, etc.

Examples of considerations include:

  • Siting, design and external appearance of the proposed development (e.g. height or bulk in relation to neighbouring properties)
  • Loss of sunlight or daylight
  • Loss of privacy
  • Likelihood of undue noise or fumes
  • Adequacy of proposed parking and access arrangements
  • Effect of additional traffic
  • Effect on trees
  • Landscaping and proposals for boundary treatment (walls or fences)

Objections which cannot normally be taken into account include:

  • Effect on property values
  • Effect on structural stability (this may be covered by the Building Regulations)
  • Noise, disturbance or inconvenience resulting from construction works (this is covered by the Control of Pollution Act)
  • Boundary disputes (including Party Wall agreement issues)
  • Restrictive covenants (including rights to light)
  • Opposition to business competition
  • Applicant's personal circumstances (unless these can be show to be relevant in planning terms e.g. provision of disabled facilities)
  • Opposition to the principle of development for which outline planning permission has already been granted.  

You can track the progress of an application and the eventual decision on the online planning register. 

Any comments received after 21 days will be considered if the application has not been determined or, in the case of an application considered by Planning Committee, only representations received by midday on the Monday immediately before a Wednesday Planning Committee meeting will be considered.

There is no statutory requirement to carry out re-consultation. 

However, if during the course of determining an application amended plans are submitted which are considered by the head of service to have a potential additional impact - e.g. addition of a window to a habitable room, increase in size of an extension - neighbouring residents will normally be notified of the amended plans and given a period of 14 days to give further written comments. 

Where such amendments are considered to result in wider public interest a further site notice may be displayed.


Email [email protected] or contact the planning control team at Newport City Council for further information.