Local land charges

A local land charge is a restriction or prohibition that is binding on successive owners of a property. The council’s local land charge section carries out all official searches of the Local Land Charges Register for land and property in Newport, and exists to protect prospective purchasers of property within the area. The section maintains the Land Charges Register and holds the register of Common Land and Village Greens.

Local authority search

A full local authority search consists of LLC1 and CON29(R) enquiries and are completed within 5 working days from the date of registration. 1) LLC1 This is a search of the Local Land Charges Register and may reveal restrictions on the property which are binding on successive owners e.g. planning permissions, financial charges, tree preservation orders and enforcement notices, listed buildings. 2) CON29 (R) This provides replies to the enquiries on a nationally agreed form together with an Official Certificate of Search. The information covered by these searches may include:

  • compulsory purchase orders
  • proposed tree preservation orders
  • notices under the Planning, Highways and Public Health Acts not found on any register
  • road proposal or schemes (including road widening) 
  • public paths or byways 

You may also wish to ask optional enquiries such as:

  • road proposals by private bodies
  • pipelines
  • enterprise zones
  • common land or village greens

Request a search 

Instruct your solicitor to act on your behalf, as part of the conveyancing process, or contact us for advice using the details below.   Requests for searches are accepted via Post/DX via the National Land Information Service.

Email us to request a local land charges search. 

Personal searches

Some solicitors may use personal search companies to carry out a local search. Personal search agents and members of the public may inspect the Local Land Charges Register for free. The council does not provide any paperwork and it is up to the individual to make notes of any relevant information when inspecting the data. Con 29 information that is not available on any of the public registers will be supplied as raw data for inspection only. A tailor-made report will be supplied on payment of an administrative fee. Contact the land charges section below to clarify where the information is held and contact the relevant department in writing with your request. The number of searches a personal search agent may carry out is unlimited. 

Fees from 1 April 2024

    £ Vatable? VAT Total
Form LLC1 (statutory)   6.00 N 0 6.00
Form CON29R   124.00 Y 24.80 148.80
Form LLC1 and CON29R (official search) 130.00 Part 24.80 154.80
Form CON29O (optional enquiries) per question
Questions 5,6,9,15,17,18, 19,20,21 are charged per/unit parcel of land searched Form CON29O question 22 only
Questions 4 to 21 14.00 Y 2.80 16.80
  17.00 Y 3.40 20.40
Form CON29O only - admin fee 5.00 Y 1.00 6.00
Solicitors own questions 30.00 Y 6.00 36.00
Each additional parcel LLC1 1.00 N 0 1.00
Each additional parcel CON29R 30.00 Y 6.00 36.00
Each additional parcel LLC1 and CON29R 31.00 Part 6.00 37.00
Personal searches   No fee   0 0
Queries on personal searches £28.08 per hour or part thereof 30.00 Y 6.00 36.00
Copy of highways extract (CON29R) 25.00 Y 5.00 30.00
Copy documents by email 12.50 Y 2.50 15.00
Copy documents hard copy Section 106 and 38 agreements 25.00 Y 5.00 30.00
  Compulsory purchase order 50.00 Y 10.00 60.00
  All other documents 12.50 Y 2.50 15.00

'Additional parcels' are properties that have a common boundary, for example, a house may have been converted into 2 flats and you may wish to search on the building as a whole.  Instead of submitting two individual searches, you could pay an additional fee to include the second address in the same search.  

If you are searching on a number of parcels in one area some of the optional enquiries are charged per unit searched because each individual address is searched to answer the enquiry.  Please contact the land charges team for the correct fee.

Under the council's cancellation policy there is a 50% part-refund of the search fee, provided none of the Con29 search questions have been answered.

There is no refund for a cancelled LLC1 form.  


Please email the Local Land charges section at [email protected] to book an appointment. You will be given an appointment slot in which you may arrive at any time during that time but must you leave by the end of the allocated time.

Due to circumstances beyond our control some appointment slots are subject to change. If an appointment has to be cancelled a new appointment will be arranged as near to the original as possible.